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Does The Jewish Day Start In The Evening

Written by Bowie Aug 04, 2023 ยท 3 min read
Does The Jewish Day Start In The Evening

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Many people have asked the question, does the Jewish day start in the evening? The answer is yes, the Jewish day starts in the evening. This is based on the Jewish calendar, which is a lunar calendar. In the Jewish tradition, a day begins at sunset and ends at the next sunset. This means that the Jewish Sabbath, which begins on Friday at sunset, ends on Saturday at sunset.

The Jewish day starts in the evening because of the way that the Bible describes the creation of the world. In the book of Genesis, it says that there was evening and morning, the first day. This is why the Jewish day is counted from sunset to sunset.

How to

To follow the Jewish tradition of starting the day in the evening, you simply need to begin your day at sunset. This means that if you are observing the Jewish Sabbath, you should begin your observance on Friday evening at sunset and end it on Saturday evening at sunset. It is important to note that the exact time of sunset may vary depending on your location and the time of year.

Step by Step

Here are the steps to follow to start your day in the evening:

  1. Determine the time of sunset in your location.
  2. Finish any tasks or obligations that you have before sunset.
  3. Take a moment to reflect and prepare for the new day.
  4. At sunset, begin your day.
  5. Continue your day as you normally would.
  6. At sunset the next day, end your day.


Here are some tips to help you follow the Jewish tradition of starting the day in the evening:

  • Use a Jewish calendar to determine the exact time of sunset in your location.
  • Prepare for the new day by taking a few moments to reflect and set intentions.
  • Make sure to end your day at sunset the next day, even if you have unfinished tasks.


The Jewish tradition of starting the day in the evening is a way to honor the creation story in the Bible and to mark the passing of time in a meaningful way. By following this tradition, you can connect with your faith and find a sense of purpose and meaning in your daily life.


Q: Why does the Jewish day start in the evening?

A: The Jewish day starts in the evening because of the way that the Bible describes the creation of the world. In the book of Genesis, it says that there was evening and morning, the first day. This is why the Jewish day is counted from sunset to sunset.

Q: What time does the Jewish day start?

A: The Jewish day starts at sunset. The exact time of sunset may vary depending on your location and the time of year.

Pros and Cons


  • Connects with the Jewish tradition and faith
  • Provides a meaningful way to mark the passing of time
  • Honors the creation story in the Bible


  • May require adjusting work and school schedules
  • May be difficult to follow in areas with limited daylight
  • May be challenging for those who are not familiar with the Jewish faith and traditions

In conclusion, the Jewish day does start in the evening. This tradition is based on the Jewish lunar calendar and the Bible's description of the creation of the world. By following this tradition, you can connect with your faith and find meaning in your daily life.